In fact, there is nothing surprising about silence. What is really surprising is that the reason for this silence is no longer that these family members are worried about saying too much without rashly speaking first, but that they have something to say. Although they are so eager to speak out at the moment, they are right in the face of the rising anger of the throne.

It’s too difficult for them to solve the immediate death situation. What can they do? Apart from flattery and ceasing greed, members of the Pandegon family like them may be picky singers when they win, but they are the worst losers when they fail.
The Romans attacked, but no one thought it would be so sharp! So deadly! Uther didn’t expect Morgan, and he didn’t expect others. He expected them to dream that the Romans would retreat without fighting.
Just last night, Uther, the host of the family, personally hosted a banquet aimed at uniting the family and fighting against the strong enemy to boost morale. The members of the Pandegon family had just slept for a long time, and suddenly a letter soldier rushed into carnarvon in panic, waking up many people from their dreams.
Just as those family members were bleary-eyed and consciously cursing this long-eyed idiot soldier, they couldn’t wait to unload it. Suddenly, when the top family clan room of the castle rang through the night, the angry roar was like thunder, which made everyone suddenly wake up with a’ shock’ spirit. Just as the family members whispered’ private’ words blankly, they asked what happened. They calmly walked out of the main room and threw a blockbuster into the crowd.
Abel Leniog Castle has fallen!
Everyone instantly froze in place with a full face of fear and disbelief
Didn’t the Romans even break through the defense of the Sainte River? How could they take Abel Leniog, which is located in the’ absolute safety zone’ behind Carnarvon Castle? Is it a false alarm? Yes! It must be a false report!
Just when those fat family members learned the truth from the "hole" and looked up to question the "chest", their foolish behavior was stopped by a look, but it was enough to tell the news that Morgan’s householder Uther was the eldest daughter, the heir to the family of Arthur’s sister, the commander-in-chief of the Knights Order of Mordred’s mother, the second person of Pandegon’s family, a woman who didn’t let her man be full of ambitions, and her eyes were chilling and cold.
Abel Lennio Og actually changed hands, which was like a punch in the face of the whole Pandegon family. However, when convinced that the news was true, most of the family members were at a loss and some of them were still able. Young people hesitated to ask Morgan for countermeasures.
Disdain and contemptuous eyes cast on those who are related to themselves. Morgan’s face disappeared through the crowd and disappeared outside the big gate. Soon there was silence, and the noise of the castle was hissed. Teams of rebel soldiers were rudely awakened. Morgan personally led a decisive counterattack against Abel Leniog. Undoubtedly, this was a decisive and wise decision.
Morgan decided that it was impossible to send a large-scale army to attack the Romans at night, so if there was a reaction, there might be a glimmer of hope to recapture the castle. Morgan had no hope for those stupid relatives. She didn’t know what Arthur and Mordred didn’t come back as planned, but if she was not a woman who was willing to fail, she would never give up easily until the last moment.
However, the result of the counterattack made Morgan completely lose the confidence to persist. The Romans were too strong and did not take it lightly. In just one hour, the Romans completely controlled Abel Leniog and quickly consolidated the city defense. Although Morgan was convinced that his soldiers were far more than the castle Roman army, the facts fully proved that the war was not decided by numbers.
For two hours, Morgan made the army launch several attacks in a row in the cold night when the sea breeze blew. However, the soldiers seemed to be awake, and they were perfunctory. Even the walls were not touched, so they were repelled. Angry Morgan ordered the law enforcement team to kill many soldiers who chickened out and officers who didn’t obey orders, but it still didn’t help. Those soldiers seemed to be holding weapons, and their hands were all soft and their eyes were even more chaotic, thinking about avoiding the Roman blade.
Finally, it’s useless for Morgan to fight again. The army’s’ essence’ spirit has been lost. What’s the point of insisting on relying on her as a polished rod commander only because she doesn’t want to fight? If we continue to go reluctantly, maybe these troops will defect directly!
So I finally took a look at the castle tower in the dark and was extremely unwilling. Naimorgan ordered the retreat and led the army back to carnarvon. Abel Leniog already belonged to the Romans
These are the things that happened in the early hours of this morning, and at this moment, Uther, the owner of the house, has made a public appearance for the first time since the incident and called members of the family here in the hope of finding a solution to the problem of being caught between Scylla and Charybdis from the crowd, but according to the present situation, Uther obviously can’t get what he wants.
"What no one to talk? ! What, you idiots? No one can do anything! Don’t you have anything in your head except money and’ women’? !”
After a long silence, a volcanic eruption finally came. Uther suddenly got up and roared through the hall, making many family members cry and sweat.
When Uther’s latosolic red eyes swept over them, the members of the Hall family suddenly realized that this person’s’ sex’ was waiting for mania and violence! Uther even once broke a family member’s limbs and threw it into a captive wolf pack because of no serious fault, and then let the whole family watch how that person was painfully and whiningly bitten by a hungry wolf and swallowed into his stomach! Pissed Uther off. He’ll make your life hell!
However, in the face of a person who may go crazy at any time and his six parents don’t recognize the lion, they can tremble and beg themselves not to sacrifice because they can’t come up with a valuable response.
So the whole hall was still silent except Uther roaring alone.
In the front row of the crowd, Morgan wore a tight black tunic and a black waist bun, and simply tied up a ribbon to look’ sexual’. The figure was tall and graceful, but the facial features were’ refined’, and the expression was full of anger and deep resistance. Those relatives who looked at each other and looked at each other suddenly felt a little ridiculous. At the beginning, she planned to seize the Roman government and rule Britain with these people! She doubted whether she was crazy or not, and she fell into death with these people!
It’s a pity that now she has no choice but to save her life, otherwise the fate of the whole Pandegon family in carnarvon will be self-evident.
"Respect your father’s adult, please calm down for a while. We are far from the end of our rope." Morgan stepped out gracefully to the throne, gasped and bowed slightly to his father.
"Huh?" Uther, who was in a rage and angry with his tiger’s eyes, was slightly stunned when he heard this, and then his eyes turned a little calmer. He looked at the front with a long’ female’ voice, but he still looked heavy and asked, "Morgan, is there any way you can get back the lost castle?"
Morgan didn’t respond to Uther’s eyes, but bowed his head and said indifferently, "Father, although I’m not entirely sure, maybe I can try."
"Very good Morgan! Arthur and Mordred are not in the family. You can handle everything! " Uther hesitated for a moment and then announced, "Everyone must obey your command. If they dare to disobey your command, you can do whatever you want. They don’t have to report to me!"
The hall suddenly sounded a breath of envy and jealousy. Eyes fell on Morgan’s back, but Morgan calmly saluted again and said, "I am excited by your father’s trust and expectation." Please remember the website. If you like snowy romance, write Glory to Rome.
Section 12 A coward
Section 12 A coward
Abel Leniog Castle Temporary War Meeting Room
"It’s almost time for the general attack. Should our department also be prepared to launch a’ Sao’ disturbing’ sexual’ attack on carnarvon as planned after the general attack?"
"Huh?" The words of the chief of staff made Calaque, who was in meditation, immediately return to his senses. He said, "It’s time to go to the chief of staff and order it at once. Except for the two brigades left behind, the rest of the ministries attack together as much as possible to create more trouble for the rebels and share the pressure of the main frontal attack."
Smell speech aside legion chief of staff immediately hand caressed’ chest’ said yes immediately turned around and suddenly’ desire’ from the’ door’ outside a report sounded.
"What’s the matter?"
"Report that the head of this army has an emergency report."
"Oh?" Calaque smell speech slightly doubt’ confused’ glanced at the’ door’ next to the chief of staff, who is also a face of don’t understand "come in".
"The door" hit a "Shi" who quickly came in and immediately told him, "General, a Nathan emissary who claimed to be a member of the Pandegon family just came to the castle and said that he had confidential matters to discuss with the head of the army and asked him for permission."
"What? At this time, someone from the Pandegon family actually wants to see me? " Calaque listened to the incredible expression on her face and couldn’t help but look at the chief of staff, who frowned and remained silent. Obviously, she was also very wary of this.
"In that case, let the so-called emissary come in. I might as well meet it myself." After a while, Calaque decided to meet this sudden visit emissary and listen to what urgent matters he brought. If there is even a surprise in the war, it will be beneficial to the war. Calaque doesn’t mind making a profit.
"General" and "Shi" Wei should turn around and leave the room.
"This time see emissaries whether some wrong? In general assault, you also need to go to the command in person. "’Shi’ Wei left the staff officer and immediately turned around and walked to the front of Calaque with a hint of hesitation.
"Ha ha, chief of staff, need to worry about command is borne by the chief of staff, and why not? According to the provinces of the new army system of chief of staff, the attached staff can temporarily replace the military chief in special circumstances to carry out the command, "said Calaque, who was careless about opposing.
Calaque, the chief of staff, was speechless. It is true that the new army system was assigned by the governor. It is indeed stipulated in the article that under special circumstances, the military chief can be granted to the staff committee of the chief of staff to control the army’s actions. Although this military system is true, it is only a matter of face-to-face implementation, but it is not so simple. Let’s put aside the question of responsibility. Although the staff team is full of tricks and extraordinary ability, it is all a paper talk. It is another matter to command the army on the battlefield.
Theory such as chief of staff is really afraid to take over such a big command "this, this ….." However, prevaricated for a long time but failed to find a good reason to turn it down.
"Line line Brain’s chief of staff, you don’t be wordy about this matter. It’s a deal. As soon as the general assault is over, you will personally command the ministries to feint the chief of staff as planned. You need supervision." See your chief of staff, Calaque, with a hard face, laughed and comforted, "You are my deputy and I should share it."
"Well, well, then, the command post will be overstepped at the end." Seeing Calaque’s insistence, Brain, the chief of staff, had to obey orders, but out of caution, he still woke up and said, "The head of the army had better guard against that emissary."
"Chief of staff, rest assured that I will be careful." Calaque’s eyes exude a rough appearance, which is not commensurate with the cunning color. Obviously, Calaque, the head of the Eagle Flag Corps, is by no means an idle person, otherwise Orca will not rest assured that he will hand over the most refined and sharp legion to him.
reception room
"so you are that emissary who claim to be an important member of the Pandegon family?" Dressed up in a suit of Rong, Calaque sat on a tiger stool with a big knife and looked at the person in front of him with a cold eye.
The so-called emissary dressed in clothes is honest, simple and plain, and the ordinary people can’t be found in the crowd, but it is this ordinary person who faces the imperial generals and provinces, but he is a god with the same color, and his behavior is silent. Identity doubt is not as simple as it seems.