"Who is this man?" Some people sigh

But Gu Xi soon came to her senses and became angry from embarrassment. "How bold!" She luxurious purple unlined upper garment long sleeves with a jilt "what are you? How dare you talk to miss like this! "
She doesn’t know who dares to run wild in front of her now.
"Of course, people speak human words." Su Linger snorted Gu Xi against Ye Fenghua. "Who is like your mouth full of shit!"
"Poof-"There was a burst of laughter around.
The young lady in Yong ‘an Hou’s home is really unruly and provocative. I heard that her old lady is not on the right track, so it seems true, but it’s really rare to see Su Linger protect a person like this.
Ye Fenghua caught a glimpse of Sue shine also follow faint curved corners of the mouth.
She likes this guy’s frankness.
"Su Linger, don’t push your luck. Don’t I dare to touch you." Gu Xi’s beautiful face is slightly distorted, but she certainly won’t say what she thinks like Su Linger if she wants to maintain her image.
Su Linger looked up and snorted, "I am afraid of you!"
"Damn guy, catch that ugly monster!" Gu Xi’s eyes were poisoned and her delicate cheeks flew over a piece of cloudy color. "Miss, I will let you know the price of provoking me today!"
Gu Xi can’t move Sue shine at will, but she can get angry with Ye Fenghua.
Before the two warriors heard the news, they were fierce and pounced on Ye Fenghua, but their aura was dark green, and they were carrying guards with them. They were all in the late green stage, which showed the details of the ancient family.
"Gu Xi, how dare you!" Su linger glared at each other.
She’s a spiritual master at the beginning of the green stage, and she’s here to join in the fun today. I didn’t expect to have a fight without a guard.
Gu Xi didn’t budge at all, and pointed to "Go and kill that ugly monster for me first!"
The two warriors were full of fat and full of energy. They drank a terrible momentum without any delay. The sharp knife wrapped in dark green and terrible Gangfeng went straight for Ye Fenghua’s other!
"Ah-"A continuous exclamation sounded around.
Losing face is always Bidiu’s life is strong. Isn’t this a loss? The worst thing is to knock a few heads to argue with Gu Xi?
She’s famous for her diabolical ways, adding a knife to her soul for nothing.
Unexpectedly, just when everyone was about to see the blood spattering three feet, the two sharp swords in the samurai’s hands suddenly froze in front of Ye Fenghua!
"Well-"Two black warriors looked red and constipated.
But they can’t let the sharp sword advance by pressing their hands and shaking their hands.
And the girl opposite them stood still holding hands lightly!
"What?" Gu Xi beautiful eyes stared.
Did you hit a ghost?
This ugly root is not a spiritual teacher!
Su Linger, who was preparing to make moves, stood still and saw similar strange situations again. She was deeply impressed by the terrorist forces that moved mountains and seas in the foggy forest.
Ye Fenghua’s noodles don’t change color. The tip of two sharp knives is in the first half inch of her eyes!
The knife light reflected her eyes, and a cold chill came out.
"My own mother!" People around you are puzzled and surprised. At the same time, they look scared, covering their eyes and biting their tongues. They dare not look for fear that the two sharp swords will poke into her eyes in a second.
"What’s going on!" The two warriors looked at each other in horror.
Ye Fenghua corners of the mouth slowly lift a bloodthirsty radian.
In everyone’s gaping eyes, those two sharp, threatening blades bend and deform a little …
The two warriors were stunned. Their swords are three-star weapons!
"touch! Touch! "
Two crisp tips snapped off.
"Whoosh-whoosh-"Two cold lights poured out!
Then I heard two sharp swords go into the meat, and the sound broke the blade in their ears, penetrating through the chest of two green warriors with amazing inertia and taking their bodies upside down and flying out for tens of feet.
"touch! Touch! "
Two Xiong Zhuang bodies fall to the ground and splash dust.