Otherwise, rockets and Grut spacecraft would not have those rewards.

And this spread obviously has other intentions toward that earth.
Who the hell is this guy-Goofy needs to know.
He called Johnny and Skye to deal with the spaceship, and he escorted Grut and the rocket raccoon back to Ravenclaw prison first.
after an hour
Grut and rocket raccoon woke up in their own cells.
Two people live next door, which makes it easier for Goofy to be interrogated.
"I am … Grut …" Grut looked at the surrounding walls blankly and looked very depressed.
Terry’s notorious bounty hunter has been arrested for more than twenty times.
Rocket constitution is far less powerful than that of Grut, so he was stunned by Goofy for nearly two hours before he woke up for the first time. This guy didn’t forget to swear when he woke up and pointed at Goofy through the window. "You damn guy, you really dare to arrest me?" !”
Goofy shrugged. "Of course, otherwise why would you be in prison?"
"Oh … you arrogant earth person by the way so you are the earth person? Not a cosmic bounty hunter pretending? " The rocket finally realized this fact
"I’m really a policeman from new york, the earth." Goofy nodded.
"But when did the earth people become so powerful? Still as powerful as you? Wait … What about that little one? Even if you can spin silk and fly around, how many words are there? " Asked the rocket frowning.
"You say little spider? I sent him home. He can’t go home too late. His parents are still waiting for him. Besides, he has to do family business, "Goofy said."
"What? Parents? Family business? " The rocket suddenly felt insulted that he was made by a student who had not graduated yet.
"oh! What a shame! This is the most shameful day for my rocket generation! " The rocket said angrily, "but don’t be complacent too early, earthlings!" I’ll get out sooner or later! I promise you! ! !”
Goofy smiled and said nothing. He knew that Rocket was a master jailbreaker. According to this guy’s own Guardians of the Galaxy, he once escaped from 22 top prisons in the universe.
Whether this prison, built by Mr. Magic Reed himself, can hold the rocket or not depends on which of the two men is better in technology.
But Shaoxian Rocket and Grut are still high-flying prisoners.
Goofy looked at the two men in the prison and took a sip of coffee. He said slowly, "Although you are uninvited guests on earth, you haven’t made any big mistakes-at present, you are charged with trespassing. I can arrest you and imprison you for a few days, but I can let you go at once."
As soon as the rocket heard it, he knew that Goofy was up to something with them. Squinting his eyes, he asked, "What do you want from us? Cunning earth police? "
"It’s very simple. I want to ask you a few questions. If you give me satisfactory answers, then I can let you go at once." Goofy said with a smile.
"What’s the problem?" Asked the rocket tentatively.
"What do you want to come to the earth? Who asked you to come? What do you want from the earth? " Goofy throws out a series of three questions. Among these three questions, he already knows the answer, but he doesn’t know it. He will ask the questions of knowing the answer and not knowing the answer together to judge whether the rocket is telling the truth.
"e … if I answer these three questions, you can let us go now?" Asked the rocket, narrowing her eyes.
"Of course," Goofy said, "but before that, you have to leave the earth or I monitor a friendly visit to the earth."
"Hum! What makes you spy on us? " The rocket is quite angry, and his temper is coming again.
"Because I am a policeman in charge of public security in this area," Goofy said, "and because my fist is easier than yours, I can beat you up."
"You are special …" The rocket was dumb and angry, and the veins stood out through the hair. "You are cruel! Damn the earth police! "
Goofy smiled and took a sip of coffee. "Oh, don’t be so grumpy, raccoon. Grumpy people … don’t be short-lived for grumpy bears. Think about whether to answer my question or not when I give it to you."
"Don’t! ! !” The rocket is a tough guy and roared angrily, "I’d rather die than surrender!" If you have anything to do, put me in this prison. I’ll see how long you can put me in this prison! But you can’t get any news from me! Over my dead body! ! !”
Goofy looked at the rocket jokingly and shook his head. "You’re so naive, raccoon. Can I get information from you if you don’t answer my questions?"
"hmm? !” The rocket looked wary. "What do you mean?"
He knew before that there were some planets in the universe that held advanced information retrieval technology, and they could directly retrieve memories from other biological brains. The most famous one was the Skulu, and their memory retrieval technology was the pinnacle.
Looking back at the high-flying rocket, I didn’t drum up-has earth science and technology developed to such a cutting-edge level? Can directly access other people’s memories like the Skulu people?
He couldn’t believe it, but the thought of flying high and fighting clothes-liquid nanotechnology that can penetrate directly from bones.
Since the earth people have even made this technology, it should not be difficult to get memories.