Zhang Zhongxuan got up and said, "Uncle Peng’s trip, I went back to Kunlun, and Master Tan is going to hold the head of martial sister Hu Na. I wonder who you will support?"

Peng Wang shook his head and said, "Although I am an expensive elder, I have already stopped intervening in you and her. Who is the head of Kunlun is also working with me? But I still want to say that I beg you not to drag Laoou into the water."
Zhang Zhongxuan’s eyes flashed a light and knew that Peng Wang’s old Europe actually meant Ouyang Jing’s silence for a long time. Zhang Zhongxuan got up and said, "Since you can watch astrology, you should measure it well."
After Zhang Zhongxuan came out of the bamboo forest, he stepped towards a remote room. From time to time, his brother Kunlun was drunk and smoked. After Zhang Zhongxuan did not talk, he went straight to the front of the house.
This house is located at the peak of all the premises, where Li Muran lived when he was a child. Zhang Zhongxuan’s coming back to Kunlun atmosphere today is not good for him. No one can arrange his bedroom. He can arrange himself, but the place where Xiao Li Mu Ran slept this year is something that can make him have something in Kunlun.
Entering the house, Zhang Zhongxuan looked around, which made him happy. The decorations around him have not changed. The small room is still spacious, and there is still a bed on the corner.
Zhang Chongxuan walked to the front of the bed, and when the bed was pulled out, the dust fluttered all over the sky. Zhang Chongxuan blew the dust with a wave of his hand. Zhang Chongxuan’s eyes stared at the corner. This room was not paved with stones. Zhang Chongxuan’s sight was on a concave-convex dark ground. Zhang Chongxuan’s hand moved and a vigorous real element condensed into a knife from his body before his fingers.
Zhang Chongxuan squatted down to dig the ground with a hand knife for a moment, and the hand knife got stuck. Zhang Chongxuan reached in and took out a dark blue token, which was as wide as the palm of his hand. Although the token was buried in the ground, it was not dirty. The word Kunlun was written on the surface of the token, and the word was vermilion. This token was Kunlun Fu. When the head of Kunlun met Li Muran on the first day, he gave it to Li Muran. Now Kunlun Fu is naturally in Zhang Chongxuan’s hand.
Chapter one hundred and seventy-five Square bully
Chapter one hundred and seventy-five Square bully
Just before dawn, rustling swept the floor in Kunlun Square.
Zhang Zhongxuan pushed the door at the door and looked at the hazy day and walked towards Kunlun Square. Today is the day when the head rises. As usual, Kunlun will make a speech in the square early in the morning by a new head and elder of Kunlun.
The crowds of passers-by stirred up the feelings of the Kunlun brothers everywhere. Yesterday’s big banquet made them lose their minds. It took two days to get the whole Kunlun back to normal.
Walking, a man stumbled over from the horizontal side, smelling of alcohol. Obviously, he was drunk last night and didn’t sober up. He woke up in the same room, and he shouted, "Come and continue drinking."
Zhang Zhongxuan, the man kept a little distance and walked alone in the aisle. In a short time, he came to the square, which was already full of people. Zhang Zhongxuan could tell at a glance that the number of people would not be thousands of andao Kunlun. After all, he was the first to see his brother in the school of repairing truth.
Tan Yushi and others didn’t show up as elders. Naturally, they won’t be in the square until all the younger brothers are married. All the younger brothers are talking about what they are talking about. Who will be the new leader?
"Saying that Li Muran knocked over the Dan medicine in the Jiuding Fairy Furnace in Elder Tan’s room at that time, there was a strange fragrance all over Kunlun, and my younger brother directly increased his capability for several years at that time. At that time, I happened to be there, and my capability jumped for a few years. At that time, I didn’t know that I thought it was strange and smelled good, and it seemed that I was near myself, so I followed the strange fragrance to find it, only to find that the head heir was sitting shaking my legs and crying …"
Zhang Zhongxuan was about to make her way forward when she heard a Hongliang sound coming to the place where the sound came out, but she saw a crowd of dozens of people nearby, listening attentively to the speaker, who was about thirty years old. Generally speaking, people like him are honest people who don’t talk much, but he talks on the contrary and makes everyone listen to him.
Zhang Zhongxuan listened to what this man said in distress situation. It turned out that what he said was exactly the incident that Li Muran knocked over Tan Yushi Jiuding Fairy Furnace more than ten years ago. Zhang Zhongxuan thought that it would be okay if he came now, so he surrounded himself to listen to the joke. The man just saw Zhang Zhongxuan’s arrival at throat moistening, showing a complacent look. Obviously, he was proud of attracting an audience. "This senior brother looks unfamiliar. Are you new here?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.
Zhang Zhongxuan nodded and didn’t speak.
Oh, the man looked back and said, "Just when I was leaving, there was a wind around me. Guess what? It turned out that Elder Tan came back. I saw Elder Tan’s figure move and slap in the face. The heir’s whole person was shot out, and his face was swollen. At that time, I was so scared that I was afraid to hide in the air. "
Zhang Zhongxuan can’t let this person make rumors when he hears this andao. Now he is Li Muran after all, and he has come back to inherit the head of Kunlun. If he does as this person says, his image will be greatly damaged when Zhang Zhongxuan says, "That elder Tan can be repaired if someone else is around …"
"Yes, Elder Tan Xiu, who dares to enter his house and be found there, can still stay in that cow. You are bragging." Zhang Zhongxuan shouted before he finished his words.
Niu Er’s face turned red and said, "At that time, Elder Tan was bent on putting the heir there and would consider me."
Zhang Zhongxuan coughed again and again. "But it’s impossible to make an alchemist in Jiuding Fairy Furnace as you say that. But Elder Tan’s painstaking efforts made him hit the heir directly as soon as he entered the room. It must be to look at the medicine he refined first."
When they heard Zhang Zhongxuan’s words, they all said, "Yes, yes, that’s it."
Niu Er stared at Zhang Zhongxuan and said, "You weren’t there. How do you know that I was there personally and saw this world with my own eyes? You can’t figure it out. Can you say that they are all fake?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.
Zhang Zhongxuan said with a smile, "Of course I know, because I am the heir Li Muran you said."
Around the crowd, I heard Zhang Zhongxuan’s words, but I laughed at this time. I put my hands on my waist and looked disdainful. "If you are the heir, I will still be the head."
Just at this time, I heard the panic sound in the Dojo. "The elders are coming soon." At once, thousands of Kunlun brothers were busy with each other, and the second-class cows were also the Kunlun brothers. They had their own positions in the square. In this way, Zhang Zhongxuan appeared to be a chaotic formation in the square during World War I.
Niu Er looked at Zhang Zhongxuan in the seam of the queue and chuckled, "This little thing will suffer and dare to forget his position on this occasion."
Zhang Chongxuan naturally heard Niu Er’s words, and he didn’t care. When he was about to walk to the square, two figures flew up. Both of them reached out with one hand on Zhang Chongxuan’s shoulder and shouted "Come out for me". At the same time, two extraordinary forces came from Zhang Chongxuan’s shoulders and hands. Zhang Chongxuan felt that his body was about to be pulled out, and his feet sank and his body suddenly shook out the two forces.
In two shapes, one of them growled, "incredibly still dare to fight for life and death." The man said that Zhang Chongxuan felt a stronger way to himself, and in this strength, he was obviously trying to shock himself. Zhang Chongxuan snorted, "I’m afraid it’s you who didn’t know life and death." He said, shaking his shoulders, listening to a sigh and calling out, a figure flew out and another figure flew back to one side in the middle.
The whole square suddenly roared up, and thousands of younger brothers’ eyes came together to Zhang Chongxuan. I can’t believe this is true, and people around Zhang Chongxuan, including Niu Er, tightened aside at once, and Zhang Chongxuan revealed a round flat with a width of three feet.
Listening to a burst of clothes, dozens of figures landed opposite Zhang Chongxuan. Zhang Chongxuan looked at each other. The biggest one of these people was about fifty years old, and the other departments were between thirty and forty years old. They all looked at Zhang Chongxuan coldly with a sword. The biggest one shouted, "Who are you? How dare your brother break the law?"
Zhang Zhongxuan looked at all the Kunlun brothers in the four directions and felt that something was wrong. Li Muran didn’t remember this in his mind, and he was not very clear about what he had done.