If you want to enhance its power, one is to stack swords and the other is to sacrifice more stars and swords.

However, the more layers of this sword seal need to be sacrificed in the future, the longer it will take.
Therefore, it is enough for Lingqing to sacrifice nine layers so that it can exert the power of sword seal.
Later, the remaining 999 spiritual bamboos were also sacrificed and refined into this star obsidian sword.
Then he used a tactic to attract a thousand star obsidian swords to fly up.
Each bamboo sword exudes a glittering sword light, spreading out a vast ocean of starlight in the middle.
As his sword moves, thousands of stars twinkle like the milky way.
Suddenly, the exchanges are like curtains sweeping through the waves.
Then his sword tactic changed again, and the starlight suddenly gathered and condensed into a star-studded bamboo sword.
This bamboo sword is as clear as washing, and a little glittering and translucent exhibition brings up the splendor of the Milky Way.
When people see it, they can’t help but be distracted and then unconsciously miss it.
Lingqing is now condensing this light evil spirit into starlight evil spirit, which can devour the enemy’s gods and spirits.
Wait for him to make more sacrifices in the future to improve his quality and power.
If we collect the stars again, we can refine a real star divine light and have the ability to swallow the true spirit.
At this time, this star Obsidian sword is one of the first trials.
It can not only sprinkle hands to turn a Milky Way into an enemy, but also kill a thousand swords with a flying sword.
The quality of Lingzhu is not bad, and the quality of the combination of thousands of bamboo swords is comparable to that of some flying swords.
Then he refined the Yue Obsidian sword and the Ri Obsidian sword, and then combined the three swords into a three-light Excalibur.
And took a lingzhu to make a scabbard and put it in.
Bamboo and rattan are hung behind your back.
Now, this Excalibur will need to be practiced frequently in the future to sharpen its edge.
But it’s just like his practice, homework and sacrifice to refine the nine-fold youth, which is a long-term effort.
At this time, he has spent more than a month offering this Excalibur, and now it is time to mature the beans.
He reached out to Zhengzhen and caught a bamboo rat playing tricks on the green lion.
Sitting in it, I first went to the Duzao Hospital to make a tour.
See no matter again to Zhushan hall to keep here Zhang Zhe said after a went to the top of the pine.
Lingqing rode a green lion with the help of Jiuqing Que, and soon came to Qingsong’s altar to wave and ban it.
Looking at the lush and exquisite Faring bean plant about three feet high, I was satisfied with it.
This spiritual tree is not only covered with fine patterns, but also fruitful.
Each plant hangs a pod, and each pod gives birth to nine more beans.
When he shook the altar, he poured the only nine stars left in the altar into Falingdou.
One by one, the plants shook and rose, and as he printed the formula in his hand, he changed into a gold symbol.
Then curled up into pieces of scarlet beans and fell into his hands.
Lingqing looked at the hands with all kinds of stars, gods, dark lines and beans, and raised my hand and threw them.