Hell’s crazy flower crusade can’t be made, and the Heaven Alliance will be gone. It disintegrated on the day of significance, and now the Youth Soul Club is the Youth Soul Club.

In the hall, I saw the nine-fold announcement that the prince was not surprised but pleased. "Great! Fang Shengsheng, an idiot, would play with his mother at this time and think behind closed doors. It’s suicide! Maybe in Huaxia area, his brilliance was comparable for a while, but if I can lead the players in Huaxia area to win this five-zone invasion war, I can catch up with him and cover up all his brilliance! Let him get the hell out of the altar! !”
"President of the English! !”
In Jiuzhong’s announcement, the Prince of Yan immediately issued a notice, "Dear players in China, I am a Yan, although I am incompetent, but I have a sincere patriotism and a sense of national justice. I am willing to throw my blood and blood into the grave! If everyone respects me, Yan will unite with me to fight against foreign enemies, and it is bound to lead the vast number of passionate patriotic players to drive out the enemy and return me to the mountains and rivers! !”
I have to say that the timing of the prince’s choice is very appropriate. Jiuchong announced that he had closed his doors and thought about the Huaxia area. It was when the players just lost their dependence that the prince appeared his glorious image and immediately printed it in the hearts of the players to fill the nine gaps.
Therefore, the prince ascended the mountain and responded to the various large, medium and small forces in Huaxia District, and came to take refuge in the Youth Soul Club to form a United front against the enemy.
Seeing that many guild forces in Huaxia District have taken refuge in the Youth Soul Club, the strength of the Youth Soul Club will be recast in a very short time, and it will be stronger than the former Tiandao League.
The formation of the new alliance marks a new stage of the invasion war in the five regions.
For all this, it’s really like Jiuzhong’s announcement that everyone has found a small dark room to think behind closed doors.
After dealing with things in the game, I quickly went online before Shen Yue called himself Jiuzhong.
Returning to reality, it doesn’t prevent him and Shen Yue from leaving the bedroom in summer, winter and winter. They have moved to other apartments and lived in Jiuzhong. There is nothing to do when they go to get him. They are waiting to pick up the motorcade while chatting in the living room.
When it’s not too late, go to the door and stare at Longya Guards and come in to report "Report the arrival of the boss’s motorcade!"
Jiuzhong snapped his fingers. "Go and have a look!"
When Jiuzhong and Xia Dongdong went out of the mansion and came to the gate, they saw a long queue like a motorcade coming slowly here.
In a short time, the first car passed by the door and it was dozens of meters away, and the vehicles behind it stopped.
After the car door went, it was like spreading its wings and flying like a centipede. The beautiful figure came from the car. It took nine months of hard work to get back 67 girls from the ghost door.
It has been more than ten days since Jiuzhong was discharged from the hospital, but it is enough for these girls to change again.
After more than ten days of careful aftercare, these girls are all full of energy and ruddy as apples. They continue to aftercare in the hospital for more than ten days, and they have not been mistreated in Jiuzhong Hospital.
"Come on, let the beauty this way this way! Come with me ~! " Wang Baobao trotted off from behind and bowed like a dog to lead the way for these girls.
Jiuzhong shook his head when he saw it. "… This anthomaniac is really hopeless!"
In Wang Baobao, a group of girls came to Wang Baobao from behind, intending to take them directly to the apartment, but I didn’t expect these girls to stop at the same time when they came to Jiuzhong, with a strange look in their eyes.
I can’t tell you that feeling. They can be sure that it is definitely the first time for Jiuzhong to meet each other. But when they see Jiuzhong, they feel warm in their hearts for no reason. It feels like seeing their loved ones, giving them a strong sense of security.
What they don’t know is that they will feel this strange feeling at the sight of Jiuchong. The reason comes from the fact that each of them has undergone deep healing, so that their bones are full of filar silk. When Jiuchong meets two homologous Qinglong Prajna qi, they will have this strange feeling.
"Welcome to Longyu ~!" Nine heavy blunt a sprinkle all the girls ran a say with smile
Chapter two hundred and ten Dry sister
? These girls have long forgotten the jokes because of their physical and mental injuries in Tenglongge, but now they see Jiuzhong smiling like the hūn wind, and their hearts are melted like the melting of ice and snow, and the long-lost smiles appear on their faces.
Although they all laugh unnaturally because they haven’t laughed for a long time, they can see that it is a heartfelt smile.
"Come on, everyone, come in first, sit and wait for a while and then take you to the apartment!" Shen Yue raised her hand and motioned for these girls to enter the leading mansion.
As all the girls went in in succession, the last familiar figure appeared in front of Jiuchong.
"Xuan night …!" Jiuzhong looked at Wan’er walking hand in hand accompanied by Ye Yu and said, "Not bad. I can walk normally. I still want you to be pushed back ~!"
Xuan night smell speech loose Wan’er hand strolled to the front of nine heavy blazing with anger staring at nine heavy "not only can walk and …! !” For a moment, the mysterious night suddenly took a hand and a cold light snatched it out, weaving out a piece of light and shadow, hitting the nine-fold instantaneous nine-fold and being cut into dozens of segments.
Everyone else was surprised when they saw it!
"… pervert!" Soft sword Xuan night slowly back in his hand.
At this time, I saw that I had just been cut into dozens of sections and I was back to my original state unscathed.
All this just suddenly turned out that Xuan night had just been cut off, but it was just the ghosting created by the ultra-high-speed movement of nine heavy objects. Just after Xuan night cut off the ghosting of nine heavy objects, it was instantly moved back to its original position at ultra-high speed, and this just happened.
"Not bad!" Jiuzhong nodded with satisfaction. "Your body really can’t be restored to its former style in such a short time ~!"
"Returning to the peak state is like the gap between us is still getting bigger and bigger!" The mysterious night is slightly unwilling. "Now you and I are afraid that you can’t even walk through ten strokes!"
"Hey … want to shorten the gap? !”
"… do you have any idea? !”
"Of course!" Jiuzhong laughed. "Sometimes I’ll give you a speed-up method!"
"Ok … I won’t be polite!"
"Who made you polite!" Jiuzhong turned and returned to the mansion. "Let’s go in and sit together!"
When I got back from the hospital, all the people came to the living room of Longtou Mansion.
Although there are many people, fortunately, the leading mansion is big enough to hold hundreds of people, which is even worse.
After all the people came to the living room, Jiuzhong and Shen Yue went to the sofa to face all the people and waved their hands. "Make yourself at home and just find a place to sit."
"I want to tell you today that there are not many things, just one thing!" Everyone took their seats one after another. Only then did they say, "You have all recovered and regained your freedom. You can live a normal life now. I will send someone to contact your family as soon as possible. If you want to leave with your family, feel free. Of course, if some of you don’t want to go back to your original life, just stay in Longyu and follow me!"
"oh! !” Nine heavy just say that finish suddenly a scream waist Shen Yue secretly black hand.
"Ahem …!" Jiuzhong realized that he had said something wrong and quickly corrected it. "I mean, I want to keep people. You are my employees and I don’t mean anything."