Carl # Doug Graff entered that strange energy and immediately lost the sense of induction to the outside world. After being cut off, his heart suddenly became surprised and a little scared.

But a knight is a knight. Every knight has to go through several battles to get this title. Although he is in an unknown position, Carl Dograff immediately calmed down after only a few seconds. At this moment, he should be in a strange enchantment. If he wants to go out, he must find the boundary point of the enchantment. But he doesn’t know that this is not a magical enchantment but an ancient battle in China.
After dozens of minutes.
Carl Dograff’s door rushed out of the array and gave off a sword with super-strong holy power, which was tightly held in his right hand. This is a large array of secondary hallows. Although it was carefully arranged by Jinyang, after all, the material was insufficient or a bronze knight with secondary hallows was trapped by five methods.
However, China’s illusory appearance has suffered a lot from Jeancard Dograff.
A burst of terror and rapid shooting out, except for the fact that he has broken the battle, the whole building is ordinary people.
Although angry in my heart, I dare not take it out on ordinary people. It is also a big sin. Those dear brothers in the family are eager to see their mistakes and take their place.
I still can’t feel the breath of the five guardian knights when my mind is swept away. There are two possibilities: one is to be killed, and the other is to be cut off by the enchantment and my mind can’t notice it.
Several obscure holy power fluctuations emerged from a tree and even flashed in the tree with a holy power covering the past. Father Associates took the lead in several’ first-order’ powers and immediately woke up and saluted several people at the sight of Karl # Dograff.
"Dear Knight, thank you for saving your life!"
"When did you go into a coma? Where did my guardian knight go?"
"My Lord, we can’t answer your question because five adults knocked us out."
Doug Grafkar looked at her sister who had turned into blood fog and roared wildly, "Bastard, I don’t care who you are, I will make you pay."
Father’s favorite sister was killed under his nose. The more he thought about it, the less he felt. He immediately shouted at several priests around him, "Prepare a special plane. I’m going back to Paris now to wait for these damn dark creatures!" The anger of the Dograff family will completely annihilate you and tell my uncle about it. "
An old Buick outside Brooklyn is slowly approaching the third Chinatown in new york. Li, a bald man, looks around the window from time to time with a nervous face.
In the back compartment, the golden plate sat there with a pale face, and several cyan gases flew in from the window and were absorbed by the golden plate at a very fast speed.
It’s strange that Karl Dograff’s five guardian knights should guard Jinyang’s side, but if there is any trouble, they will immediately be alert and very nervous, and they are healing Jinyang.
It is strange that their bodies should be replaced by an indescribable strange smell, a cold smell
Chapter 2 Firm but gentle
Christmas finally came around three o’clock in the morning on the 25th.
However, Jinyang, the only villa in the slum, sat in the center with a pale face, and the five guardian knights were far around
Xuan Bing, the cold pole above his head, is constantly outputting the aura of heaven and earth with the blue light flashing. Although it has accumulated a lot of aura in the evening, there is still a lot to heal.
Like a clear spring, the blue aura is continuously injected into Jinyang Tianling aura, which slowly flows through the aura along the body meridians. Its powerful repair ability constantly repairs the broken meridians of his body, and the broken meridians gradually return to normal like spring breeze and rain.
Time goes by bit by bit.
The five guardian knights stood motionless around the chamber of secrets like dead bodies. They moved slightly like corpses, and they immediately moved nervously, waiting for Jinyang’s orders and instructions.
When the first crow in the morning, the aura of Xuan Bing in the cold pole also reached the point of exhaustion, and Jinyang printed several handprints in succession.
Although his face is still quite pale, the injury has finally stopped. Jinyang slowly got up. "Dograff Kaerh almost killed me. No matter how powerful the Dograff family is, I want you to live in regret and fear all your life."
"Master!" As soon as the five guardian knights noticed the big Jinyang move, they even took a few steps forward to respectfully salute Jinyang.
Jinyang casually fiddled with a messy hair and said with a smile, "After a while, the five of you will be my personal guards. Without orders, you will always protect everyone in the manor department, okay?" Wrong novel network does not skip words.
"Is the master! Follow the master to protect the manor! " Five people together replied
Jinyang went to the ladder with a face of satisfaction. Although he was seriously injured in the adventure, he directly turned five bronze knights into zombies because of The Hunger’s old ghost’s ten thousand-year-old corpse king poison, and the only control gate was in Jinyang’s hands. The strength of five’ fourth-order’ powers can be imagined. Even Jinyang himself is just a’ third-order’ peak power.
Five people have the ability to kill Jinyang when they come out. With such a large array of forces to protect the villa, the security problem is greatly guaranteed, and Jinyang is more relieved to go out to handle affairs.
Don’t say villa to collect stolen goods daughter that little blood snake is his most at ease, although it seems to have been 16 or 17 years old, but the mind is at most nine years old.
At the moment, the five people are no longer the bronze knights of the Vatican or the guardian knights of Dogravkar, but a few puppet cold-blooded zombies in Jinyang’s hand. Jinyang wants them to live, so they can’t die if they want to. Jinyang wants them to die, so they have to die.
From the ladder to the living room, first of all, the eyes of Jinyang turned out to be red with eyes. freya hurriedly ordered five people to go out first to protect the safety of the villa and eagerly stepped forward to comfort and said, "Baby daughter, tell me who bullied you? Is it Hades? Or some fucking necromancer? I must skin them. "
As soon as freya saw Jinyang coming out of the building, he wiped his eyes and rushed to Jinyang’s body. His hands hung on his neck and he said, "Dad, you finally came out. I’m so worried about you!"
Jinyang saw that tearful and childlike little face and immediately relented. "My dear daughter, rest assured that dad is fine. It’s an adventure to make the temporary repayment method bear the strength and be injured by the earthquake. The cultivation will be restored in one and a half months."
Freya looked at him innocently and said in detail, "You can’t take such risks after dad. What should I do if something happens to you?"
Jinyang immediately kissed her gently on the forehead and said, "Not after knowing that my baby daughter’s father promised you!" "
Chapter 29 Seriously injured
Szilard’s body has dozens of slender slits with faint blue light, and dark purple blood keeps dripping from the wound. For the blood clan, if it is not completely cut into pieces, the big wound will be recovered in a very short time in front of their powerful repair ability.
Jinyang was shocked that he had never seen a blood clan that sucked human blood and continuously sprayed blood.
What surprised Jinyang the most was that szilard’s wound not only showed no signs of improvement, but also continued to deteriorate. If Hades’s powerful pure blood had not prevented the firm but gentle from expanding, szilard would have been dismembered by this strange firm but gentle.
Jinyang rushed forward with one hand and tugged at Hades, who was desperately exporting blood. Hades kicked him out ten meters away and shouted, "Stay there if you don’t want him to die in szilard."
At the same time, the powerful firm but gentle at the heart of szilard rushed out from Jinyang body and entered szilard body along the fingers. Jinyang never made Jiulian firm but gentle many times stronger than szilard body after losing his life.
Immediately the dozens of wounds special firm but gentle retreat from the wound slowly retreat out along the szilard meridians toward Jinyang fingers together in the past.
From time to time, all the firm but gentle disappeared with a face of pain, and szilard also showed great relief. Many Jinyang pushed him to Hades in one hand and quickly said, "Give him part of your body and blood, and he can give him the first layer of art if he passes this examination."
After speaking, Jinyang hurriedly sat up, so his body was in a state of chaos, and his injury had just stabilized, and there was a tendency for another outbreak of cold sweat because of such a firm but gentle shock.
Sitting on the ground with five hearts in the air, Jinyang slightly explored the whole body, and his face immediately changed dramatically. That special firm but gentle shock wave that he just absorbed into his body went on the rampage in the abdomen.
Jinyang can clearly feel that this special shock wave and his original nine lotus shock wave are homologous and belong to the nine lotus sword Sect’s direct flow method to cultivate the shock wave.
Jinyang just stepped into the chamber of secrets and instantly noticed that the firm but gentle was still pursued by his master at that time, but the idea was overthrown by himself. This firm but gentle is not pure.
What makes Jinyang wonder is how this firm but gentle sword contains so many dead people. There are often swords with thousands of dead people to mingle with such dead people. It must seal several dead ghosts in this firm but gentle sword.
Although Jian Xiu does not unify Taoism and fix truth, it is also an upright and noble spirit in the Central Plains. It is absolutely not allowed for his master to be so bad. If that master’s firm but gentle mixed with so many dead people, he would have been cleaned up by the door.
At the same time, this firm but gentle is too weak. All members of Jinyang’s master are practicing meditation to reach the third peak, and practicing life and sword tires will produce a little nine lotus firm but gentle.
Although Yi Jiulian’s firm but gentle sword didn’t cooperate with fencing, it didn’t achieve all the power of tearing, but it was definitely not a descendant of the blood clan who could bear it. Jinyang estimated that even if the younger generations of his legacy just cultivated firm but gentle sword, they could instantly cut a blood clan in half.
But so many swords didn’t kill a blood clan that had just become a descendant for a long time. It wasn’t. Then who made such a weak shock wave?