All the way, the roots of Huangfu Zhantian were not hindered at all, and those poisonous roots couldn’t get close to him. Huangfu Zhantian was so fast that he finally came to a full moon lake, which looked very big from the outside. But when Huangfu Zhantian came to the lake, he found that the roots of the lake were not lake water, but were made up of several bugs, which showed a transparent color and rolled around, and these bugs also swallowed each other and produced a transparent liquid from them. This transparent liquid soon became this kind of bug.

Huangfu Zhantian took out the astrolabe and instilled it in Raytheon’s true qi. The pointer indicated that it was the direction of this round lake, but Huangfu Zhantian didn’t intend to go from here, but detoured around this round lake. But what depressed Huangfu Zhantian was that this round lake was spared for half a circle, because the pointer kept indicating the direction of the round lake and didn’t indicate anywhere else. Even if Huangfu Zhantian came to the other side of the round lake, this pointer still indicated the round lake.
"You won’t let me take a bath here, will you? It’s disgusting!" Huangfu Zhantian looked at the dense bugs in this round lake and suddenly got goose bumps.
Around the round lake for a long time, Nai Huangfu decided to go and see what was in the round lake. Should this ghost inn be at the bottom of the round lake?
"Come on, I don’t go to hell! Fight! " Any suspection.i war day is shouting one and then a fierce plunge to protect the true qi, but this moment is a rush to the extreme. I’m afraid that the state of any suspection.i war day is a pseudo-god realm, and it is impossible for the strong to break his protective qi.
Huangfu Zhantian just went in, and these bugs seemed to be crazy and rushed towards Huangfu Zhantian, brimming with nausea and deepening towards the bottom, and at the same time, gods kept rushing towards the surface to see what was on this surface.
"Not good!"
Just as Huangfu Zhantian just dived to more than ten meters, a bug penetrated Huangfu Zhantian’s protective shield, and then rushed toward Huangfu Zhantian’s celestial body with great confidence in it. Huangfu Zhantian didn’t go to these little guys, but he didn’t expect this bug to penetrate his protective shield, which made Huangfu Zhantian caught off guard and was attached by this bug. Then several bugs poured into Huangfu Zhantian’s body crazily.
"it’s over!" Huangfu Zhantian Raytheon’s true spirit severely bombarded these bugs, but they didn’t get up a little bit. These bugs still invaded his body like tarsal maggots. Soon Huangfu Zhantian was attached to the whole person, and the whole person was like a snowball. The more he struggled, the more bugs he got. In the end, all these bugs were attached to Huangfu Zhantian in the whole round lake. From a distance, it looked like a huge snowman.
"Hey? There is something wrong with this bug. This bug actually contains a lot of reiki. "It turns out that Huangfu Zhantian will flood into other bugs. After refining Raytheon Jinyan, he was surprised to find that this bug contains more reiki than his own small world absorbs one day. Isn’t this number of bugs equivalent to absorbing reiki for many years?
"It’s God’s help that I came here and thought about improving my strength, but now I have this!" Huangfu Zhantian wants to laugh now, which is really a pleasant surprise. Come on, how do you want to escape? Now you have to hope that the more these bugs, the better.
Then suspection.i Zhantian Qiang suppressed his excitement, and Raytheon Jinyan slowly showed a little bit, but those bugs disappeared after touching Raytheon Jinyan, and a very large aura poured into the body, but it made suspection.i Zhantian a little depressed. It seemed that this bug was very afraid of Raytheon Jinyan, and as soon as Raytheon Jinyan came out, these bugs ran away.
It seems that I have to use myself as bait. Although it’s disgusting, there’s nothing I can do. If I let out Raytheon’s golden flame, these bugs will run away. What else will I absorb?
Nai Huangfu Zhantian relaxed his body, let these bugs attach themselves, and then slowly drilled into his body, and then Raytheon used the golden flame to refine these bugs. Although this was very time-consuming, the benefits were very great. Just refining for such a short time, Huangfu Zhantian refined hundreds of these bugs, and these hundreds of bugs were equivalent to practicing for hundreds of days by themselves, and these bugs contained aura and were very pure. Without any impurities, his body Raytheon’s true qi increased a lot, which made Huangfu Zhantian feel ecstatic and now finally worried about not being promoted. Section 1945
So day and night refining Huangfu Zhantian feels that his body Raytheon’s true qi has reached a very full level, and the horse can be promoted to the pseudo-god’s higher order. But now is not a good time to be promoted. If these aura bugs are destroyed because of promotion, it will not be worth the candle. Huangfu Zhantian keeps compressing his body Raytheon’s true qi and let it be promoted later.
Refining again is about twice as much as before. After Huangfu Zhantian, these reiki can no longer be suppressed. If refining again, I’m afraid I will die, but there are still so many reiki bugs. Wouldn’t it be a pity if I missed them?
"What about me? Give me your extra Raytheon Qi. I’m one step away from solving the last second seal. After solving this seal, I have to solve the last seal. Then I will advance to the ultimate state." When Huangfu Zhantian was ready to give up, the little black voice got into my mind
"It’s really good. I’ll pour these Raytheon qi into you now!" Any suspection.i war days immediately after hearing the little black words a pleasant surprise, so that the water will not flow outside. Although I have not been able to take these aura bugs into my own, my strength will also skyrocket after the little black seal is lifted.
Then Huangfu Zhantian instilled the body with the reiki of refining again. In the constant instillation, Raytheon Hammer Huangfu Zhantian constantly flashed a blue-purple light. Raytheon Hammer was a blue-purple light, but now it has returned to a blue-purple light. However, Huangfu Zhantian knows that this blue-purple light is not a little different from the blue-purple light [
With Raytheon Hammer joining Huangfu Zhantian, these aura bugs are constantly refined and instilled into Raytheon Hammer, and then his body Raytheon Qi is compressed again, expecting to have more aura, so that he won’t worry about his later practice. At the beginning, he could suppress the body Raytheon Qi from surpassing the realm of dzogchen, a god, and directly reach the initial stage of the pseudo-god, but now there are so many energy needs in the realm of the pseudo-god that it is impossible to keep so many aura.
When the last reiki bug in this round lake was refined by Huangfu Zhantian, Huangfu Zhantian finally got up and breathed a sigh of relief.
"Hey? There’s an aura vortex here, "murmured Huangfu Zhantian. No wonder so many aura bugs can be cultivated. It seems that this should be the original ghost inn. It’s really strong enough. There is such an aura vortex on the outermost side alone, and so many aura bugs have been cultivated. I don’t know what’s inside!
Without the slightest hesitation, Huangfu Zhantian directly suppressed himself for a good half-day and let out the Raytheon Qi. The powerful Raytheon Qi exploded and directly pushed the realm of Huangfu Zhantian to a higher level of pseudo-gods, but the redundant Raytheon Qi directly pushed Huangfu Zhantian towards the peak of pseudo-gods, but it did not reach half the level and disappeared. The original Raytheon Qi was no longer enough.
"This is too difficult to be promoted. How much aura is needed!" Any suspection.i zhantian some depressed way
And just when Huangfu Zhantian was just promoted to the higher order of pseudo-gods, the body Raytheon hammer suddenly moved, and then Raytheon hammer flew out without saying that he himself.
Seeing that Thor’s hammer is now stronger than before, the huge hammer body keeps emitting bursts of blue-purple light like a series of divine lights, but this pattern is getting deeper and deeper. Before Thor’s hammer went through the second promotion to the realm of false gods, the apocalypse became different. Now, after lifting the last second seal, Thor’s hammer stands like a troll.
"Boom …!"
Just then, a lot of dark clouds condensed out of heaven and earth, and the coercion of heaven and earth severely suppressed him
"This is my fate. Stay away from me and don’t hurt you!" The little black has some deep sounds into the ears of Huangfu Zhantian.
When I heard the little black words, I was depressed. When will weapons be doomed? However, suspection.i Zhantian was still very obedient and fled towards the distance. He didn’t want to suffer from an accident.
He flew to a place where he thought he was safe, so he watched Raytheon’s hammer survive the apocalypse.
As soon as the suspection.i war day receded, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly broke out, and a powerful thunder slammed into the suspended Thor hammer.