"What’s the guest officer’s order?" The proprietress’s eyes lit up when she saw me. To be exact, she lit up when she saw my heavy package.

"Where does this woman live on weekdays?" I stretched out my hand and pointed to the woman lying on the stretcher. This woman is no different from a vegetable. Usually, even if she doesn’t need to eat or urinate, someone has to look after her.
"She’s a woman with a hemp pole, and she lives in the street behind." The proprietress raised her hand and pointed.
"I ask you a few questions and you have to answer them truthfully." I raised my hand and took out a handful of silver ingots from the parcel. There are 3221 silver ingots, and I can grab three pieces in my palm.
The proprietress quickly reached out her hands to undertake that I turned three pieces of silver ingots and didn’t give them to her immediately.
"Who is Sun Ma?" I asked.
"He’s been here for many years, and he doesn’t make a living on weekdays, and he often goes around doing some dirty things, and he often comes to the store to pay for the wine on credit, so he can let this woman come out and pay for it." The proprietress said and looked at the silver ingot in my hand.
"How old is he? And what is this woman? " I asked questions.
"50-60-year-old dross" This woman came back from the mountains when he was young. "The proprietress quickly replied.
"Back out? Is she like this? " I asked frowning.
"I didn’t come here at that time. That’s what everyone else said." The proprietress answered.
"Since she was in a coma at that time, how do you know her name?" I threw an ingot of silver, which was quickly caught and carried into my arms like a pug waiting for food.
"Listen to the sun hemp pole, this woman was previously dressed in white hemp pole, ranking fourth in the family, and all of them had previously called SiMei SiNian as it was recently." The wife of shop-owner got a silver ingot, so she decided not to eagerly look at the two ingots left in my hand.
"Oh" I frown and nod. It seems that my previous analysis is correct. This woman is indeed from a wild mountain.
"The guest officer, this woman seems to be the Bai nationality." The proprietress listened to me, and quickly added something to try to change another ingot.
"Tell me" I looked up at her.
"There was once a small shop of Huang people who stopped to see Siniang. According to him, Siniang was a Bai." The proprietress said that the Bai and Huang people were not exactly named as four big tribes living in wild mountains. They were dressed in white, black, red and yellow, so outsiders called them by the color of their clothes. Actually, outsiders did not know what their tribe was called.
"The yellow people didn’t save her?" I asked frowning.
"Where is he so kind? Fortunately, Si Niang didn’t know the pain, otherwise he would have killed his life." The wife of shop-owner appeared to be frightened and saw something that made her feel horrible
"Let’s go and take me to see the sun hemp pole," I said.
When the proprietress saw that I was going to see Sun Ma-gan, she didn’t refuse to immediately call the man to carry the girl.
"This woman stays here first and we’ll meet him." I shook my head and said that no matter who this woman is, I will never let her suffer again, even if she is unconscious.
"Good" wife of shop-owner immediately bent down and promised to take me away from the inn and headed for backstreet.
At this time, it is more than 9 o’clock in the evening. Occasionally, pedestrians will get a big peep when they see my package. However, because I am wearing a sword around my waist, I dare not follow the licentiousness. It makes me sneer at this scene from a distance. It is true that your grandfather is not the best.
Sun Ma-gan’s house is very shabby. It is a semi-civil building with a lot of snakes and insects, so the foundation of the house is very high. It has crossed the dilapidated threshold. A pungent smell is coming. Because the south is relatively humid, the whole house is full of musty smell. There are not many decent furniture and furnishings in the house. There is a cooking platform built in the main room. Sun Ma-gan is lying in the house with a wooden bed. The big sleeping room doesn’t even have a wooden door.
Sun hemp pole is naturally a nickname, but this person is really hemp pole. Because he is tall and slim, he is one meter tall and weighs less than 100 kilograms. It is not that this person is born this way, but he is addicted to debauchery. This person is about 60 years old and his rosacea squints. It is very obscene. At this time, he is lying there with a mouthful of alcohol and snoring.
The wife of shop-owner pushed a few times before, but she didn’t wake him up and turned to the outhouse. She scooped a gourd ladle of cold water and threw it at Sun Ma’s boss.
"Oh, which fucking pastime uncle?" Sun Ma-gan jumped up from the bed and wanted to get angry. When he saw that the innkeeper suddenly softened, "Er Nian didn’t rush it so tight." It seems that Sun Ma-gan owed the proprietress a lot of money for drinks, and the proprietress came to collect debts. In addition, people in this place have a very distinctive feature in speaking, that is, calling young women "sisters" and "sisters" always call them "Niang".
"It’s good for you to talk when Grandpa God of Wealth arrives." The proprietress stretched out her hand and pointed to me.
"Is Bai Siniang your woman?" I took a few steps back to avoid this wretched guy with bad breath. In ancient times, I brushed my teeth, but this guy definitely didn’t brush his teeth.
"Two Money and Silver" Sun Ma-gan put up two fingers to answer irrelevant questions.
"I want to buy her," I said with a frown.
"Don’t sell" Sun Ma replied quite simply.
"Thirty-two Liang" I sneer, I don’t believe that there is still a business that can’t be closed. It’s not just the price.
"No, no, no" Sun Ma-gan hesitated for a moment and shook his head and refused.