At this time, the closest distance from Ma Yi Da Han is to stop others from cutting Tianjian Zong Tianjiao and a black swordsman on both sides.

The black swordsman’s sword ends in the dark scabbard.
The war has never been pulled out.
Every time a black swordsman moves, he refers to the sword with one hand and inspires a series of firm but gentle people to kill the enemy.
At this time, seeing the strong black swordsman in hemp clothes, the original eyes gradually condensed.
Once these two eyes are condensed, they are as chilling as two sharp-edged swords!
The swordsman in black slowly dropped the hilt with his right hand.
At any time!
Pay attention to this detail TaBaFeng, Yuwen Wujia and others sneer at in my heart.
They seem to be a dead man at this time!
The hemp-clad man felt something, and his eyes turned and fell on the swordsman in black.
The swordsman in black made him feel a strong crisis!
This man is terrible!
It is universally acknowledged in the field of repairing the truth that the sword is the most terrible!
The most powerful Sect of sword cultivation in the wild mainland is the sword Sect of the Nine Schools of Xianmen.
Ma Yi Han Zeng Jianzong Tianjiao fought against this black swordsman, which made him feel even more horrible than Jianzong Tianjiao!
Even so, Ma Yi’s footsteps did not stop.
If you want to compete for Zhu Guo, you must push everything forward with thunder, and you can’t hesitate to let others react!
"Where do dogs dare to get their hands on Wan Nianzhu!"
The swordsman in black hasn’t made a move yet. On the other side, the heavenly sword Zong Tianjiao was the first one who couldn’t help cursing. One person walked with the sword and instantly killed the linen man.
When I saw Tian Jian, Zong Tianjiao, the black swordsman frowned slightly, and the right hand of the hilt moved slowly again.
The sword trembled and generate shone brilliantly.
Five spiritual lines flashing swords burst into powerful fighting gas, which seems to pierce all things in the world!
Perfect spirit!
Looking at the stab to the sword linen man narrowed his eyes.
His only scruple is the black swordsman on the other side.
But at this time, the black swordsman took two steps back to show that he didn’t want to cut the heavenly sword and join hands with Tianjiao.
Hemp-clad man can rest assured that the long knife in his hand will turn to meet the stabbing sword and strangle it.
The blade crossed the virtual ring again, and it was scary to cry as if there were ghosts.
"Carving insects!"
Tian Jian Zong Tianjiao sneered at his wrist, and the sword shook and contended.
Bang bang!
Jian Ming generate did his best to suppress the ghost crying instantly, and the ghost was torn and cut into several pieces.
Chapter five hundred and fifty Grab Zhu Guo
Intersection of sword and sword
On the battlefield, Mijingo’s crossfire sounded and sparks flew.
The Sect of the Sword of Intercepting Heaven is the only sword in the ten gates in the northern region. The whole circle of the sword-fixing is famous and exquisite.
It is often painful for an opponent to be blocked by the thirteen swords that cut off the day just after pushing.
When the Thirteen Swords are cut off, they will soon fall into the wind, which is difficult to reverse.
But Ma Yi’s look remains the same. Calm down.
This long Dao seems to have a spiritual cutting skill in his hand, and the thirteen swords are still faintly occupying the wind!