But with the deepening of the ancient battlefield, even Su Mo gradually felt a little pressure.

Along the way, the fierce beasts are getting stronger and stronger, and they have also met several times from his monks. Almost everyone was injured except Su Mo.
Although they are all in the same realm, the strength of the six veins in the depths of the ancient battlefield is much stronger than that of the friars in the marginal areas
Even having the three secrets of dimly discernible peak, fighting alone all day, has been suppressed.
And the pressure on Su Mo is getting bigger and bigger.
On the edge of the ancient battlefield, he can also guarantee the safety of six people.
Now he can protect one or two people at most!
In ten days, everyone will finally move on, and there is almost no extra time to practice.
Although the realm is the same as before, after ten days of fierce fighting and several times of life and death, Ji Chengtian and others have made remarkable progress!
This transformation is far from being achieved by closed practice.
Ten days later, near evening, an ancient city appeared on the horizon ahead, like an ancient behemoth crouching there.
This is a map marking a gathering place called Xuantian City.
However, the city reserved in the ancient battlefield is the biggest gathering point, where the religious sects of all major forces gather.
Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
I’ve been on the road for ten days in a row, and I’m nervous. Besides Su Mo, I’m still alive and kicking. I can’t see fatigue. He’s reached the limit with several injuries.
If they don’t find a place to stay before dark, their night will be extremely difficult.
This line all the way to ji all day and others looked at Sue ink eyes more curious more admiration.
No one can see the Soviet-Mexican limit whether it is on the edge of the ancient battlefield or in the hinterland.
That seemingly thin body seems to contain exhausted strength, strong physical strength and amazing endurance!
A few people know that if there is no Su Mo, they will have died halfway before they see Xuantiancheng.
Chapter three hundred and sixty Road
Xuantiancheng north gate
It’s getting late, and there are no monks in and out of the city gate. If you dare to leave the city at this time, you are either crazy or self-reliant and powerful!
When Su Mo and his party arrived at the city gate, two monks were pushing the tall and heavy stone gate of the city gate to close slowly.
"Two Taoist friends wait a moment!"
Sue ink hurriedly shouted a.
If you want to go to the city, Su Mo can rush in before the city gate with ethereal wings or a fleeting outbreak.
But Ji Chengtian and others can’t.
Several people have been running all the way, exhausted and wounded, and there is no strength to rush around and sprint.
Su Mo’s voice fell and Shimen paused a little. Two monks looked up at Su Mo’s side and frowned slightly.
In the eyes of two people, these six people look a full face of wind and frost, except for the first blue monk, which is normal. Everyone else looks embarrassed.
And Su Mo and others can’t see anything that can show their identity.
In the ancient battlefield, many top people and brothers from the wild mainland naturally won’t hide their identities.
Many times, it is enough for these people to show their identity tokens and save a lot of trouble.
People like Su Mo and others who don’t have identity information are either scattered or some ordinary clan forces. Two gatekeepers are more common.
Two people glances secretly sneer as didn’t hear continue to push shek mun slowly to fold.
A gust of clothes broke and the wind roared, and it seemed that there was a surge of tides and suddenly came near.
Two people consciousness looked up and the pupil contracted suddenly.
I don’t know when the original is still far away, but the blue monk has come to the city gate with his arms and palms pressed on both sides of Shimen.
No matter how hard the two men moved, Shimen did not move!
Brother blue seems to have a powerful hand, and his figure is tall and straight like an unshakable god. blazing with anger stared at the two men coldly at the gate.
"You …"
The two monks swallowed and a panic flashed in their eyes.
"Want the door!"
Su Mo asked slowly, the sound was biting cold.
Shut them out before nightfall is no different from killing them!
In the dark, Su Mo can barely protect himself from the fierce beasts and ancient creatures, and others will die!
"What are you doing!"
Asked one of them, a bully is always shy.
Su Mo didn’t answer his arms, and two stone doors shook with a bang, and the dust rustled down.
Two monks look a change feel arm numbness consciousness let go push push push back a few steps almost sat down.
Two people yelling at a hurriedly pulled out from the bag fly sword look alert watching Sue ink ready to shoot at any time.
Su Mo’s fists held slightly with the same look.
For a while, Kung Fu Ji and others finally arrived at the city gate, panting and pale.
"Forget it, let’s just know something about this place when we first arrived in Xuantiancheng. Let’s not make more troubles. Besides, we have already entered the city, so to speak."
During this period, contact Ji Chengtian and others knew more or less about Su Mo’s temperament.
I don’t know how many top experts and powerful forces are hidden in this mysterious heaven city. Ji is worried that Su Mo’s strong presence will lead to fatal disaster!
Sue ink nodded and glanced at the two godsworn gatekeepers.
Two people mind a quiver.
In Su Mo’s eyes, they smelled a ray of looming murder and ferocity!
"This is a fear of hurting people at any time!"
At the same time, two people’s minds flashed an idea that they watched Su Mo and others go to town and never dared to speak again.