"She is the person in charge of something in the winner’s door, and the winner won’t agree." Yang Muyu sighed gently.

"Feather …" Mo Qing suddenly primly said, "There is one thing I haven’t told you."
"What?" Mo Qing asked puzzled.
"That make mean … if you see him, you have to call him uncle" Mo Qing whispered.
Yang Muyu leaned back and fell heavily on the bed, staring at Mo Qing with wide eyes regardless of the pain of his back wound. "Are you kidding?"
"I’m not kidding!" Ink austere laughed. "That … my mother’s name is Fan Gui, and her name is Zheng Yun, that is, your grandmother Fan Jian’s father is the original winner of the winner’s door. Fan Zhenghua is your brother. Five years ago, Fan Jian officially took over the winner’s door. I once came to congratulate him …" He said in his mouth and reached out to help Yang Muyu get up.
"What about my grandmother?" Yang Muyu sighed what a mess.
"In the winner’s gate …" Mo Qing sighed or he wouldn’t bother to pay attention to Fan Jian’s bitch.
Yang Muyu knew something was wrong in his heart. Why was his grandmother Fan Zhengyun in Tianyimen and she didn’t go back when Master Mohist died.
"What?" Yang Muyu asked.
"This ….." Mo Qing sighed. He really didn’t know how to talk about it. He finally whispered, "I don’t know much about it. The marriage between Tianyimen and Sunny Yaocheng is also a happy event, but it is said that my mother had someone else in her heart long before she married my father. After she married his father, she was reluctant until she was born. I looked at me like an enemy .. I was afraid to see her when I was a child. My father was infatuated with her.
Yang Muyu didn’t speak. I didn’t think that Mo Qing was not happy when he was a child … Was he not liked by his mother?
Mo Qing paused with a wry smile. "You also know that if the duke of Qingyao City doesn’t accept the princess, it’s worthy of my mother. My father thinks that when the future grows, maybe my mother will come to their senses, but my mother didn’t love her father because of it, especially when her father did something stupid in Xiuyu Valley. After she knew it, she washed Xiuyu Valley and set fire to the whole Xiuyu Valley. Later, Yang Chen found Qingyao City, and my parents also considered it a break …
My father was disheartened and gave me the title of the Lord of Qingyao City, and told me to be kind to the morning, so I closed my practice and stayed out of worldly affairs from now on.
Later, my mother didn’t know what it was that she had a big fight with her father, which always made her father slap her in the face in anger. My mother left angrily … "
Chapter 11 is ridiculous.
Yang Muyu stayed for a while. So there is such a case-solving in Qingyao City? Curious in my heart, I asked, "haven’t you ever looked for grandma?"
Mo Qing is obsessed with family, and he will never let his mother live outside.
"If you haven’t looked for it?" Mo Qing sighed, "I found out that she ran to find her in the winner’s gate after I took over the sunny Yao city …" Here he suddenly shut up and stopped talking about those things to his mother, so it’s better not to let MuYu know.
"What’s the matter?" Yang Muyu puzzled asked.
Mo Qing shook his head and said, "It’s good for you to know that there is such a thing. Don’t ask again."
But did Yang Muyu look at Mo Qing’s vague and faltering words and suddenly asked, "Dad, my grandmother didn’t get a green hat for the master, did she?"
Mo Qing almost can’t help but slap him in the face and throw him in the past. He finally knows what Yang Chen will do to him. This child can’t be spoiled.
Yang Muyu looked at Mo Qing’s livid face and knew that he really guessed it. He vomitted to stick out his tongue.
"You deserve to be killed by Chen" Moqing airway
Yang Muyu gave him a grimace and laughed. "If you don’t hit me, you can do it."
"I dare not!" Mo Qing didn’t good the spirit way, "I may not be better than that Yang Tie if he is really doing it. If you weren’t here just now, he estimated that he would find Chen desperately."
Yang Muyu didn’t speak, thinking of what Yang Tie said that day-what did you do to me?
This problem is clear in his own mind, but is it because the essence of breathing is infused into other bodies that he will inexplicably recognize him as an adoptive father?
It’s ridiculous, just like Mohist master and that Fan Zhenggui.
Thought of here Yang Muyu not only wry smile … What is it?
"This that ….. dad, you tell me about my grandma’s affair?" Yang Muyu don’t know anyway asked
Mo Qing wanted to think for a while and finally whispered, "This … I don’t know from the beginning that when my mother didn’t marry, she actually had an affair with a close-knit page at home and a left-behind child."
"What did you say?" Yang Muyu almost didn’t jump up this … If it is Fan Zhenggui thinking about others, it’s fine, but now … She actually has children with other men?
Mo Qing sighed, "I didn’t know until afterwards that I took over Qing Yao City and went to Tianyimen with the intention of taking back my mother. Unexpectedly, my mother had a child about my age and stared at me very viciously. I still remember that look like a poisonous snake today.
My mother told me that he wouldn’t go back to Qingyaocheng, so … I was stunned but I was intercepted by that handsome boy halfway. Then he told me that my mother married him as early as when my mother married my father, and his mother was just an ordinary slave in Tianyimen, and she had him because she was handsome …
When my mother married her father, she refused to obey, but the old master of Tianyimen killed her lover and the child threatened to force her to agree. "
Yang Muyu sighed and finally said, "I’m Mohist, is it unfortunate? Did you … kill that man? " He won’t admit that he is such an uncle if he doesn’t mind.
"no!" Clear ink and low wry smile
"I will kill him if I have the chance!" Yang Muyu suddenly cold tunnel
Mo Qing looked at him with a puzzled look. Yang Muyu said lightly, "Mr. Mo has always been generous and kind, but I am not." Such a person will never let him stay in the world. It is a matter of interest but dignity
Mo Qing eyes flashed a biting expression that Yang Muyu saw in Yang Chen’s body, and even saw it in his body …
"Feather, you and I really can endure everything. There is also a limit. At the beginning, the king’s egg … I had already started. If your grandmother hadn’t suddenly saved him, would he have died? Even so, he is still alive and useless. If I don’t make moves, I will not leave him a lifelong unforgettable memorial?" The ink is cold and cold
When Fan Zhenggui came in a hurry, he didn’t want to have a conflict with his mother. Mo Qingnai only let go of 6 Qing, but his last blow was to abolish 6 Qing. Since then, this person has been a basket case.
"What’s his name?" Yang Muyu suddenly asked
"6 Qing!" Ink clear light way
"His … last name is 6?" Yang Muyu suddenly felt as if he had been stabbed by someone. He was worried that it was really true.