There is one person who worries both mother and son.

That’s Hu Yanyuer.
After so long, Huyanyuer has heard nothing, which makes Zuojia mother and daughter more and more worried about her fate.
Zuo Jingjing said, "Yang Er, I heard that Yu Er was rescued by a mysterious master that night, but Wang Lin and Xiao Lian Qin sent people to look for her, but there was no news of her. Niang was really worried that she was dead."
Zuo Chaoyang felt a pain at this.
Hu Yanyuer’s voice and smile also appeared in his mind.
After he left Gone with the Wind Island, he also inquired about it in many ways, but there was no news from Huyanyuer.
Zuo Chaoyang said, "Mother thinks that she is still alive, just like when people all died, but the child is still alive, so she must be alive to be killed. If Johnson kills the child in the North House, go to find her again. Even if she travels all over the world, she will find her …"
Zuo Jingjing’s heart was sour after listening to these words.
She can now pray that Huyanyuer can come back as safely as her son.
Then the mother and the son returned home.
At the moment, I hope to return, and I have already rushed out of the horse for a few miles. I also met Lin Yi on the way.
Looking back, I wondered, "Xiao Lin, why are you here without teaching?"
Lin Yi quipped, "I stayed in the middle school to chat and came out to see the big girl Kannika nimtragol. As a result, the big girl Kannika nimtragol didn’t see it, but saw a silver-haired man coming out of the mill with Zuo Zhangmen and Zuo Yangyang …"
Looking back, I realized that Lin Yi had followed him secretly.
Looking back and pretending to be angry, "how dare you follow the old man!" If you are always jealous, will you follow! "
Lin Yi said, "I’m worried that you’re secretly following you, but I’m my ancestor. I’m your grandson. Who will take care of you if I don’t take care of you? Haha … ancestor, can you tell me everything now?"
Looking back, "Ha ha" smiled. "Good grandson is really good grandson. Since you are so filial to your old age, I will tell you everything …"
Looking back, he will tell Lin Yi what happened, including that he remembered that the murderer was a blue-eyed fox king.
Lin Yi didn’t fully understand the truth of the incident.
Although it was decades ago, Lin Yi was still very sad. Lin Yi was also happy that my mother finally found out the truth.
You Zuo Chaoyang is even more happy to come back to help him, and he is like a tiger.
Lin Yi praised, "Brother, your wisdom is superior. It’s no wonder that when you first appeared in Guihua Valley, I thought you were extraordinary. It’s not that I thought at that time …"
"I miss you!" Looking back, I interrupted Lin Yi’s words and laughed. "Mom, don’t always remember many things recently. I always remember that the first time you saw the old man, you were so scared that you almost peed your pants. But your wife was more promising than you. As a result, Su Qinghou’s’ Vientiane Excalibur’ was hidden there, and it finally became you haha, and you are my grandnephew. Isn’t it strange that you said it?"
Lin Yi is also very impressed.
Looking back and thinking of Ling Nie, he sighed, "You didn’t see that look in his eyes before. There is a bone-chilling pain. Alas, although I don’t like Ling Nie, to be honest, Ling Nie is also a rare talent. As a result, his beloved was killed, and he looked forward to it. Finally, he didn’t even see his own flesh and blood. At last, he was imprisoned by his father for decades. At the beginning, a beautiful young man with white hair has now become a man with white hair. I think he is getting more and more weird and crazy. First, he is influenced by The Hunger
Lin Yi said, "The blue-eyed fox king should be cut to pieces!"
Looking back, I hate to say, "I want to kill Johnson Zuo Yangyang, and I want to kill him. I want to spit his flesh and blood. This Johnson will die miserably! When Kobayashi returns, ask someone to check his whereabouts and always go to catch up with him in person! "
Lin Yi said, "Brother, don’t worry. When I get back, I’ll order Xiaohua Head to find out where he is staying."
Lin Yi and Wang Wang returned to teach him that Zuo Chaoyang was not dead and told them that Zuo Chaoyang was coming back.
Zeng Tengyun and others were very happy to know that Zuo Chaoyang was not dead. Zeng Tengyun asked the Zeng family to kill pigs and sheep and put on a big banquet to celebrate Zuo Chaoyang’s return. Then they all waited for Zuo Chaoyang to come back at the gate.
So when Zuo Chaoyang returned, he saw Zeng Tengyun, children, brothers and sisters of Huajia, Ma Peiling, soybeans and others waiting for him.
When everyone saw Zuo Chaoyang, they all rushed over to express their thoughts and joy.
Zeng Tengyun even hugged Zuo Chaoyang from the horse to the good brothers.
Chapter 23 Golden Nine Buddhas (2)
Two days later, Hua Zifang found the blue-eyed fox king.
Hua Zifang reported that Lin Yi’s blue-eyed fox king’s disciples and grandchildren had settled in the villa of Hanyun Mountain in Yehuling, Fengxiang domain. This village is now called "Ghost Village". Hua Zifang told Lin Yi that there is still a church of Pastoral Religion three miles away from Hanyun Mountain Villa, which is echoed by Hanyun Mountain Villa.
Lin Yi saved her daughter from Hanyun Mountain Villa.
It turns out that the old demon has also settled in a gloomy "ghost village"
Lin Yi asked, "How many people are there in the two places?"
Hua Zifang said, "There are more than 400 people, and there are 260 or 70 people at the entrance of the hall. The hall owner is called Lang Zhen."
Lin Yi’s eyebrows are wrinkly. There are quite a few people looking forward to returning when the time comes. Three people will enter the Cold Cloud Villa to seek revenge, and they will definitely kill. This Tangkou is only three miles apart, and Lang Zhen will lead the pastoral masters to aid in a very short time.
It will be even more chaotic then
The blue-eyed old devil is at the peak of his evil deeds, so chaotic that he can easily hide, and then he will retreat to the North House, and it will be difficult to kill him if he can’t find out the truth.
Another thing that worries Lin Yi is that Beifu is ten miles away from Yehuling. If they hope to return, they will be caught in Hu Ling for a while and the hidden souls will be in trouble.