Looking at the cold and clenching his fist, Soren continued, "It’s unnecessary if you and I pay the feelings and the waves pay their lives again."

You can do whatever you want if you insist that we live and die together, of course I won’t refuse, but to tell you the truth, I won’t be grateful for it even if you die. "
With that, Sauron left the cold and never looked back. He was alone in the same place for a long time, motionless as a stone statue, with his fist clenched and his palm overflowing with blood. You can see that this is a living person.
Indifferently, just turning a corner from the corner, Soren leaned against the roadside wall.
Reach out and touch your heart. What does it feel like to hurt here?
Doesn’t he love to take off? But when does he always look forward to the cold? What makes him feel at ease when he appears beside him?
Is it because of those two skin kisses?
Because of a drunken affair and a wrong love, they are inseparable.
Just now, he hated him and avoided him like a snake and scorpion, but people’s hearts are, after all, long-term cold-hearted, and he is not invisible, unable to feel or unmoved.
I don’t know that although he wants to accept it, he retreats again and again when facing him.
Because every time he wants to accept him, he will feel that he has desecrated the love of detachment, and he will doubt that since he can move on so easily, he may not love detachment or cold.
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72 Chapter 72 Rescue [1]
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Especially the attachment to cold should be a kind of demand, a kind of physiological and psychological demand, that’s all.
In that case, he has to pull him with him when he is most dangerous?
But now he will be heartbroken? What will be sad?
Hold up your body against the wall. Soren takes a deep breath, then spits heavily and throws his head off. There should be no heartache and entanglement. It is better to hurt him for a long time than to kill him.
North Vietnam, which was still leading the country in Tuoli, has long been United into a rope, and will never give up easily. It will definitely resist Qi Ge to the death. I didn’t expect local officials and generals to take a policy of non-resistance and surrender directly.
Suddenly and happily, he felt that God finally favored him once.
With the heroic spirit of the allied forces of the Three Kingdoms, Qi Ge arrived with his iron hoof. He has not stepped outside the imperial city for three years. Looking at the word "White Rock City", Qi Ge was deeply touched.
It turns out that he is the real dragon day!
The people in Beijing are not white. Since they knew that san huang was leading the allied forces of the Three Kingdoms, the Regent didn’t resist and watched Ziggy usurp the emperor.
But their hearts feel less than comfort, so their lives will not be completely disrupted, right?
It’s strange that Ziggy came to the imperial city smoothly. He had heard of the war of wits against the West with North Vietnamese soldiers before taking off.
No one has come out to fight in such a strong army. Is it really afraid that the three allied forces will give up the war or have other plans to lure him into the city and annihilate him in one fell swoop?
"how about it? What did you find? "
"Report to me that there is not a soldier in the imperial city, and the palace door is closed. From the outside, it seems that there is no one inside."
"You didn’t go into the palace to find out?"
"I’m afraid I didn’t dare to go in."
"Bastard! Give me a probe again! "
Soon he was sent to the palace to find out, but he was followed by a group of officials from North Vietnam.
Looking at the officials, they nest Ziggy’s heart was almost in his throat, and he was very excited, but the surface was motionless.
"Report to me that there is also a praetorian guard in the palace without them … they followed us out when they saw us go in." Then they pointed out and followed the civil servants.
"Long live the emperor, long live the emperor!"
As soon as the conversation was over, all the officials knelt down and bowed down to Ziggy.
When Ziggy saw this, Ma was overjoyed.
"All of you love Qing, and you are wise men. Since you take the initiative to take refuge in me, it will never be difficult for you to stand up!"
"Thank the emperor for his grace!"
All the ministers got up and Ziggy saw that kneeling was a civilian in North Vietnam. There was no military commander in the whole official team, and there was no figure of thousands of four generals and Prime Minister Soren
"Where’s Auden?"
"The ministers who reported to the Emperor did not see the Regent today, not even the Prime Minister and thousands of generals," a minister answered truthfully.
"Hum, they run faster!" Siegel cold hum is very dissatisfied with the fact that Auden has escaped.
"The emperor now although you have regained the throne.
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Chapter 729 729 Rescue [11]
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But still can’t be too optimistic. Auden Soren and others can’t stay! "said that man sit beside the horse with a sage like type.