"it seems that lk is ready to change the line, so the routine base of both sides is an exchange feeling."

"Yeah, but will it end the same? We’ll just wait."
Lk adopted the line-changing tactics vn and Nunu Road Zhang Hao Riven started with uu’s blue buff to change the buff game.
But the point is that Dao Mei just crossed the line when the director switched the camera to the middle road.
Gao Chengfeng hasn’t entered the state at the moment, but Dao Mei has been waiting for a long time to see the demon Ji go directly to the face and attack Gao Chengfeng while fighting and retreating, but Dao Mei has no fear at all.
A balanced blow to the street, a flat A, chasing the demon Ji again, and constantly flat A.
Fully knocked out the demon Ji’s half-tube blood volume.
"My god, it hurts so much."
The commentary saw that Dao Mei’s set of exercises actually took a second, and the demon Ji’s half-tube blood volume was also ecstatic. Do you want it?
When Gao Chengfeng reacted, half of the blood volume was gone. Suddenly, an ank was found by Dao Mei, but a balanced blow flew directly to Nunu’s face and pulled away from the demon Ji. This time, gank Zhou Qiang was able to return to the line again
When Gao Chengfeng reaches level 2, a set of qank. "
"Yeah, I know."
At the moment, Gao Chengfeng’s words haven’t said that a qw company has just consumed Dao Mei, and the uu team has just hit dragon three people and has appeared in the middle.
"Holy shit"
Gao Chengfeng can flash towards the river. After all, the tower route has been blocked.
"I’m dizzy"
So did Zhang Hao. Just after that, he got caught.
When the demon Ji flashed, Dao Mei followed by a flash, and at the same time, a balanced blow made the demon Ji dizzy firmly
Chapter 69 rashly UU
Dao Mei’s flash is a prelude, followed by the dawn. Seeing Leona’s flash, the zenith blade is close to the stunned demon Ji, and suddenly a series of controls are started.
"Dao Mei, this flash is very nie. Now the enchantress can’t move."
"yes, and pig sister is looking at the situation in the back. lk alone is dangerous."
The three commentators noted the situation. The situation of the demon Ji was very bad. She was accused of dying and had no ability to fight back.
At the moment, Gao Chengfeng is very resistant. After all, Zhang Hao just woke up. He paid attention to playing in the middle of the road and was careless. He was seized by a wave of opportunities. This is not a low-end game. It is too common to control to death.
What’s more, he didn’t be vigilant when he saw the uu team Nalong, which was a very big mistake.
Or the sense of rhythm in the first division is still in my heart and I feel that it is not a threat to myself, but in fact, this time gank really educated Gao Chengfeng that there is no luck in this rhythm.
"Pig sister is so fierce that she directly hit the demon Ji and hit the demon Ji passively at the same time, but the demon Ji can’t move at the moment, which is obviously controlled. That is the real body."
The three explanations are also language. Although the demon Ji is out of the busy place, she can’t move at all, and she is directly ko by the uu team.
It’s only been five minutes since I took the blood, but it’s not easy to fight the demon Ji in the middle of the road. After all, Dao Mei’s output is still sufficient
Demon Ji immediately converged a lot after losing a head, and she also got a lot of reaction. At the very least, she won’t be dizzy in front of her face again by Dao Mei.
And it is much more difficult for Dao Mei to kill the demon Ji after getting a head. After all, Gao Chengfeng suffered a loss once and will definitely not be killed by the same situation again.
"Now the situation is deadlocked. I don’t know when uu team and lk variables will appear."
"But I’m afraid it depends on whether the two sides fight wild."
The situation is very deadlocked. lk Road vn is still constantly replenishing troops, and uu Team Road is also under great pressure. The two sides are in a rhythm of mutual brush, while Dao Mei and Le Fulan in the middle are two people from the world.
No one can kill Ji, and it is still difficult to fight the situation under such circumstances.
Minutes pig sister has invaded. "
It’s good news for lk to pull the situation back a little, which means that Luta can also be removed while the situation is good.
But on the other hand, pig sister also chose gank Road, and the idea of playing wild is almost surprisingly consistent.
"The wild is coming."
Erhong saw Pig Sister without hesitation for a moment, but Pig Sister’s big move was the first to be thrown out. When the Sagittarius’ big move arrived at the destination, it was still in a dizzy state, and it seemed very long.
"I actually got it."
Explanation for the extreme trick of pig sister, it is also a good luck. If the horse almost escaped, it has to be said that the luck of the horse is really bad and it can almost hide.
"uu control can’t talk or not."
Adzuki looks like there is still no problem without follow-up control and output follow-up team.
However, Shuguang Xian also found this problem. A flash of E flew to the side of the Sagittarius, and it was also a set of serial control. The scene of the enchantress in the middle road reappeared lk Road, and Lu Xi’ an E arrived at the face of the Sagittarius and gave it a fat beating.
Erhong is very depressed, looking at black and white and seeing that he can’t figure it out, he is almost a little bit short of hiding, but he still can’t hide.
The tower outside the road also exploded, and the uu team quickly returned to the city to change the road to the road and start a wave of gank mode again.