The whistle was Fang Yin’s props in the third dreamland, which was regarded as a phonograph whistle. No matter how far it sounded, the owner of the whistle could hear it.

He hasn’t seen and can’t think of any good way to give this thing to Qin Yougui. It’s just right because he gave props to each other at the banquet before, so it can play a certain role to carry it with him.
He had the ring of returning to the light by Qin Zuo, but he didn’t give Qin Zuo props.
In this way, Qin Xu can be unilaterally positioned. Most of the time, he is too passive in various senses.
This feeling made him very uneasy.
When the youth looked at Qin’s return, his eyebrows and eyes were smiling and mixed with some unspeakable emotions. It was warm and warm, which made people look at their hearts.
Qin Yougui and that eye contact are a little bit like kissing him.
But the idea is still so out of date.
Qin Yougui has just jumped out of his short-term disordered love mind. This idea is fleeting. He watched the young man slightly move his fingertips and gently pushed the whistle in the palms of two people into his sleeves, and then found a suitable opportunity to put it away properly.
These small movements of two people were carefully done without being discovered by a third person.
Fang Yin thinks that Qu Youyou can disturb his mind since she has this ability. Although she didn’t succeed, she can also control others by the same means.
In his eyes, Zhao Gan and Xu Sirui are not people with strong minds, and their credibility is greatly reduced.
Qin’s return is because Fang Yin is so cautious that he feels that the youth must have found some unstable factors and that there are people around him who can’t be trusted, so he naturally won’t blow the news himself.
Zhao Gan and Xu Sirui didn’t know that the two men were in the dark, and they reached a certain consensus after they didn’t realize the situation.
I saw these two people walking, and I didn’t know what, so I suddenly stuck together.
Fingers suddenly intertwined like a twist.
From time to time, I have a look at him, or he suddenly smiles at him, or he smiles at him again.
There is some sour smell floating in the air.
"They …" Zhao Gan did not dare to sway to talk about whether the two men could gather together around Xu Sirui and put their fingers back and forth between them, winking at Xu Sirui.
Yes, although Zhao Gan left one eye exposed, Xu Sirui understood that they were together.
He doesn’t make a fuss like Zhao Gan.
Xu Sirui, who came all the way from north to south, has long been used to these two people showing their love all the time. Both of them don’t look like shuffle when couples spend.
Sure enough, falling in love makes people not like themselves, Xu Sirui thought.
Zhao Gan’s eyes widened in shock. "When did this happen?"
"They were both like this when we came all the way for many days. Just get used to it," Xu Sirui said with a wave as if he had been through it.
"I’ll go …" Zhao Gan pushed his unilateral mirror and suddenly generate was excited. He pulled Xu Sirui’s sleeve novel and said, "Tell me about the details."
As a result, the first two people secretly exchanged information, and the second two people chattered and discussed hexagrams. A good maze abruptly made them walk like they were on a spring outing.
"Xu Si Rui" Fang Yin suddenly shouted back.
Is sharing with Zhao Gan how Qin Xugui quietly moved the seal leaning against the window to his arms. Xu Sirui was startled.
It’s probably that my guilty face turned red and I didn’t control the sound very loudly. I replied, "I’m here."
Fang Yin looked at a face with a guilty conscience, Xu Sirui looked at it again and smiled strangely. Zhao Gan picked his eyebrows and said, "You can open a power to see which fork in the road game point is the nearest."
"Good" When it comes to serious business, Xu Sirui stopped laughing and immediately became serious. After a while, the light spot jumped and Xu Sirui said "Go straight"
It is also a dead end for a group of people to come to the end along the direction Xu Sirui said, but there is no doubt about NPC’s face. Is it because he and Qin Xugui made a mistake in speculation?
This maze fantasy is not what they understand?
When I was wondering, there was a wall moving sound behind me, and the retreat was blocked, which obviously triggered the game.
But where is NPC? Can’t be a thorough person?
"meow ~"
A cat suddenly appeared overhead, and several people looked up and saw a blue-gray high wall with a white cat neck with a beautiful pink butterfly face and a circle of white lace.
When the cat saw them look at them, she shook her tail gracefully and said, "Oh, my God, how come there are so many stupid humans? You can choose with three stupid humans at most."
Said the shake shake beard that expression quite abandon.
Cat sound lazy is a line to relieve juvenile sound.
Compared with the NPC in front, this cat has won more than one and a half stars in appearance and sound.
The most important thing is that it is a normal-sized cat that can be held in its arms, and its size is not as big as that of other mutant animals.
In Fang Yinyuan’s fog, cats are as big as leopards.
Compared with it, it is more lovely.