"Hui Wang, your wolf ambition, if I spare you today, you can’t explain to heaven and man and arrest all these rebels and thieves!" Chongzhen big drink a way

King Hui is now the six gods. "Cao Gonggong, I want you to take me away."
Cao Huachun shook his head and said, "Your Majesty, I can’t protect you. Take care of yourself. I’m leaving."
Although there are tens of thousands of body guards around, it is difficult for Cao Huachun to leave them.
Cao Huachun turned into a ghosting shadow and fled to the palace, where he went and suddenly went belly-up.
"Tso, you can’t lose me."
King Hui’s face was dying, and he knew that he was really finished this time.
Chuang Wang jun ying
Li Zicheng and Yan Li are looking at the map and studying an offensive.
"The big army is really vulnerable," Li Zicheng sneered. "The king thinks it will take us years to get Beijing, but now it seems that this month we can get the Beijing army to speed up and get to Beijing as quickly as possible."
Li Zicheng seems to have seen the three thousand beauties in the harem.
Yan Li’s eyes are also excited and happy. "It’s a king."
Chapter 199 Where is his army?
King Hui has been put into the heavenly prison, waiting for him to be executed. Since ancient times, both the sovereign and Wang have succeeded in becoming emperors or been destroyed. There is no third way for the Nine Clans to go.
Rebellion can’t be said to be right or wrong. Winners are right or wrong for losers.
Although King Hui’s rebellion has subsided, Chongzhen’s heart is not at all happy. Li Zicheng’s army is still outside Beijing. It will be unstable if Li Zicheng rushes into the army until it is wiped out.
"Yuan Chengzhi, your father was really killed by me, but I did have a last resort." Chongzhen said to Yuan Chengzhi.
Yuan Chengzhi sneer at a way "oh? You are the emperor, and it is you every day. What are your difficulties? "
Chongzhen shook his head. "At that time, some people said that when your father Yuan Chonghuan collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country, I didn’t believe that I asked the Royal Guards to check it. I didn’t expect the evidence to be conclusive. Even if I wanted to bypass your father, I couldn’t tell Heaven and Man without killing your father."
Yuan Chengzhi roared, "You’re talking nonsense. My father is a loyal minister. He can’t collaborate with the enemy and betray the country."
Yuan Chengzhi absolutely didn’t believe that his father would collaborate with the enemy and betray the country. Yuan Chengzhi still remembered clearly the scenes of Yuan Chonghuan battlefield and Manchu Tatar fighting.
Chongzhen wry smile way "later I found out that many of the so-called evidence is false, those’ evidence’ are forged by Huang Taiji, your father Yuan Chonghuan is Huang Taiji’s life and death enemy, Huang Taiji can’t kill your father, but I can’t wait until I find out the truth."
Yuan Chengzhi painfully closed his eyes. He didn’t expect that his father’s death turned out to be a plot against Huang Taiji.
"I will make it clear that if you lie to me, I will come back and kill you." Yuan Chengzhi stared at Chongzhen coldly and said.
Chongzhen said to the surrounding body guards, "Let him go!"
In front of the body-guard gave up a ten-foot wide road to let Yuan Chengzhi leave.
"Snow …" An Jianqing spit out a big mouthful of blood.
"An Aiqing, how are you?" Chongzhen hurriedly asked
An Jianqing said weakly, "Huang Weichen was shattered by Cao Huachun’s boxing strength and even could not live."
Chongzhen sighed and asked, "Ai Qing, do you have anything unfinished? I can finish it for you. "
An Jianqing knelt down and said, "I hope the emperor can forgive my wife and daughter for my loyalty over the years."
Chongzhen also knows that An Jianqing’s wife and daughter are in the imperial army. Chongzhen nods, "Aiqing, please rest assured that I will forgive them."
Yuan Chengzhi returned to the inn Wen Qingqing hugged him and worried, "Eldest brother, why did you go for so long? According to the inn boy, there was a riot in the palace, and I was really worried. "
Yuan Chengzhi holding Wen Qingqing comfort way "green brother is ok I this is not back? At dawn, we’ll go out of town and meet the king. "
Wen Qingqing nods "hmm".
Yuan Chengzhi and Wen Qingqing returned to the army of the King, and Yan Li came.
"Eldest brother" Yuan Chengzhi fuels.
Yan Li laughed. "I’ll come to you when I know you’re back, brother."